Black Women Talk Tech

Project Info


Lack of mentorship was cited as a major contributor to the fact that, despite being the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs, black women only received about 0.2% venture funding in 2018. To make a dent in this phenomenon, I reached out to the organizers of the third annual Black Women Talk Tech Conference to offer in-kind sponsorship by providing presentation mentorship & visual design to their pool of first time speakers.


  • Storytelling
  • Information Design
  • Viral Meme Culture

More about Black Women Talk Tech

There wasn’t a roadmap to billions designed for us, so we created our own. That’s how Black Women Talk Tech began. We created a tech conference designed specifically for Black women tech entrepreneurs to create a space where black women could for once, be seen and heard and have their ideas invested in. Our conference is now the largest convening of Black women tech entrepreneurs and technologists.

Today, our mission is to help Black women dream big and build the next billion-dollar tech or scalable company.

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